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类型:电影 喜剧 悬疑
主演:山姆·洛克威尔 西尔莎·罗南 艾德里安·布洛迪 露丝·威尔森 大卫·奥伊罗 哈里斯·迪金森 里斯·谢尔史密斯 雪莉·亨德森 茜安·克利福德 雅各布·福琼·劳埃德 查理·库珀 皮帕·贝内特-华纳 蒂姆·凯 珀尔·香达 安格斯·瑞特 卢西安·姆瑟马蒂 阿尼雅·马森 基兰·霍奇森 保罗·查希迪 劳拉·摩根 尼克·欧文福特 菲利普·德斯穆尔斯 托尼·别尔德 艾琳·尼古拉斯 里查·普拉卡什

See How They Run (4/10 stars)

An Old-Fashioned Reinterpretation of an Obsolete Story

From the old-English dialogue, outdated stage designs, and Agatha-Christie-style narrative, See How They Run gives the vibe of a conventional detective drama. Such genre often follows the pattern of happening in an unusual setting — like an express, an airplane, or a theatre — having a gallery of storyful suspects, and tracking the perspective of a neutral investigator, as the movie complies to every one of these. The fun of detective fiction is the overturn of audience expectations, whether a tragic motive or a brilliant execution - however, this the movie fails in.

See How They Run presents a murder that could not get any simpler, a group of obviously innocent smoke grenade suspects, and the true murderer with terrible objectives. There’ no point in degrading Agatha Christie and her work’s reputation, there’s no point in naming the film See How They Run without explaining what it means, and there’s no point in having Adrien Brody play a body for god’s sake. If the movie is a satire to the heartlessness of the entertainment industry, the ending ironically shows that the performance keeps on going despite the multiple murders.

Overall, the comedy between the contrasting characters of Ronan and Rockwell is occasionally funny, but I would recommend Knives Out if you’re looking for a decent detective drama."<>""}

See How They Run (4/10 stars)

An Old-Fashioned Reinterpretation of an Obsolete Story

From the old-English dialogue, outdated stage designs, and Agatha-Christie-style narrative, See How They Run gives the vibe of a conventional detective drama. Such genre often follows the pattern of happening in an unusual setting — like an express, an airplane, or a theatre — having a gallery of storyful suspects, and tracking the perspective of a neutral investigator, as the movie complies to every one of these. The fun of detective fiction is the overturn of audience expectations, whether a tragic motive or a brilliant execution - however, this the movie fails in.

See How They Run presents a murder that could not get any simpler, a group of obviously innocent smoke grenade suspects, and the true murderer with terrible objectives. There’ no point in degrading Agatha Christie and her work’s reputation, there’s no point in naming the film See How They Run without explaining what it means, and there’s no point in having Adrien Brody play a body for god’s sake. If the movie is a satire to the heartlessness of the entertainment industry, the ending ironically shows that the performance keeps on going despite the multiple murders.

Overall, the comedy between the contrasting characters of Ronan and Rockwell is occasionally funny, but I would recommend Knives Out if you’re looking for a decent detective drama.{else}故事讲述在1950年代的伦敦,一个把所有的钱一次押上去,决一输赢在危急时用尽所有力量作最后一次冒险的好莱坞制片人要把一出广受欢迎的西区戏剧改编成电影,但这时发生了剧组成员被谋杀事件。因此,一个厌世的探长(山姆·洛克威尔饰)和一个过分热情的新手警察(西尔莎·罗南饰)游走在伦敦迷人的戏剧圈和肮脏的地下世界,陷入了令人费解的侦探故事中。{end if}收起

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